she couldn't rock n' roll with me and I couldn't avant-garde with her
"... Then, I met Yoko. And she was making it as an avant-garde artist. And we both tried to find something that we had in common, a goal in life. Because she couldn't rock n' roll with me and I couldn't avant-garde with her. I mean, we can, but that's what we thought at that time. So we decided: the thing we had in common was Love. And from Love came Peace. So we decided to work for world peace."
John Lennon, from an interview made to John & Yoko
you may have the dollar on your side but, oppression, from the gospel truth you cannot hide and, oppression, I won't let you near me...
you pray on us when we sleep
you chase after the tired, the poor and the weak
you know you mean only harm
you reach out with your long arm
but oppression
I won't let you near me
you shall learn to fear me
you seek population control
to divide and to conquer is your goal
I swear that hatred is your home
you just won't leave bad enough alone
but oppression
I won't let you near me
you shall learn to fear me
I don't see how you sleep
for your bleeding conscience I weep
you may have the dollar on your side
but oppression
from the [jah] gospel truth you cannot hide
I won't let you near me
you shall learn to fear me
I won't let you near me
you shall fear me
you pray on us when we sleep
you chase after the tired, the poor and the weak
you know you mean only harm
you reach out with your long arm
but oppression
I won't let you near me
you shall learn to fear me
you seek population control
to divide and to conquer is your goal
I swear that hatred is your home
you just won't leave bad enough alone
but oppression
I won't let you near me
you shall learn to fear me
I don't see how you sleep
for your bleeding conscience I weep
you may have the dollar on your side
but oppression
from the [jah] gospel truth you cannot hide
I won't let you near me
you shall learn to fear me
I won't let you near me
you shall fear me
· Oppression · Ben Harper
Pues yo estaré inmerso en esta voluptuosidad de evocar la Primavera con mi voluntad
Je veux, pour composer chastement mes églogues,
Coucher auprès du ciel, comme les astrologues,
Et, voisin des clochers, écouter en rêvant
Leurs hymnes solennels emportés par le vent.
Les deux mains au menton, du haut de ma mansarde,
Je verrai l'atelier qui chante et qui bavarde;
Les tuyaux, les clochers, ces mâts de la cité,
Et les grands ciels qui font rêver d'éternité.
Coucher auprès du ciel, comme les astrologues,
Et, voisin des clochers, écouter en rêvant
Leurs hymnes solennels emportés par le vent.
Les deux mains au menton, du haut de ma mansarde,
Je verrai l'atelier qui chante et qui bavarde;
Les tuyaux, les clochers, ces mâts de la cité,
Et les grands ciels qui font rêver d'éternité.
Il est doux, à travers les brumes, de voir naître
L'étoile dans l'azur, la lampe à la fenêtre
Les fleuves de charbon monter au firmament
Et la lune verser son pâle enchantement.
Je verrai les printemps, les étés, les automnes;
Et quand viendra l'hiver aux neiges monotones,
Je fermerai partout portières et volets
Pour bâtir dans la nuit mes féeriques palais.
Alors je rêverai des horizons bleuâtres,
Des jardins, des jets d'eau pleurant dans les albâtres,
Des baisers, des oiseaux chantant soir et matin,
Et tout ce que l'Idylle a de plus enfantin.
L'Emeute, tempêtant vainement à ma vitre,
Ne fera pas lever mon front de mon pupitre;
Car je serai plongé dans cette volupté
D'évoquer le Printemps avec ma volonté,
De tirer un soleil de mon coeur, et de faire
De mes pensers brûlants une tiède atmosphère.
Paysage - Charles Baudelaire
Sacado de Les Fleurs du mal
(traducción al español)
Yo quiero, para componer cástamente mis églogas,
acostarme cerca del cielo, como los astrólogos,
y, vecino de campanarios, escuchar mientras sueño
los himnos solemnes llevados por el viento.
Las dos manos al mentón, desde lo alto de mi buhardilla,
veré el taller que canta y que charla;
las chimeneas, los campanarios, esos mástiles de la ciudad,
y los grandes cielos que hacen soñar con lo eterno.
Yo quiero, para componer cástamente mis églogas,
acostarme cerca del cielo, como los astrólogos,
y, vecino de campanarios, escuchar mientras sueño
los himnos solemnes llevados por el viento.
Las dos manos al mentón, desde lo alto de mi buhardilla,
veré el taller que canta y que charla;
las chimeneas, los campanarios, esos mástiles de la ciudad,
y los grandes cielos que hacen soñar con lo eterno.
Es dulce, a través de las brumas, ver nacer
la estrella en el azur, la lámpara en la ventana,
los ríos de carbón subir al firmamento
y la luna verter su pálido encantamiento.
Veré las primaveras, los estíos, los otoños;
y cuando venga el invierno de nieves monótonas,
cerraré en todas partes puertas y postigos
para edificar en la noche mis feéricos palacios.
Entonces soñaré horizontes azulados,
jardines, chorros de agua llorando en los alabastros,
besos, aves cantando tarde y mañana,
y todo aquello que el Idilio tiene de más infantil.
El Motín, tronando vanamente tras mi cristal,
no hará levantar mi frente de mi pupitre.
Pues yo estaré inmerso en esta voluptuosidad
de evocar la Primavera con mi voluntad,
de sacar un sol de mi corazón, y de hacer
de mis pensamientos ardientes una tibia atmósfera.
Quien amó una ciudad solamente en la tierra [...] sabe cómo engañan de pronto sus colinas...
A Jesús Sanoja Hernández
Adora a tu ciudad, pero no mucho tiempo,
olvida el tacto de sus piedras,
sé gentil a tu paso y prosigue de largo,
no proyectes quedarte entre sus muros,
hasta fundirte en el paisaje.
Una ciudad no es fiel a un río ni a un árbol,
mucho menos a un hombre.
Quien amó una ciudad solamente en la tierra,
casa por casa, bajo soles o lluvias
y fue por años tatuándola en sus ojos,
sabe cómo engañan de pronto sus colinas,
cómo se tornan crueles esas tardes doradas
que tanto nos seducen.
Las ciudades se prometen al que llega
pero no aman a nadie.
Cuando se ven por la ventana de un avión
todas atraen
con sus cumbres azules
y largos bulevares rumorosos,
pero al tiempo son sombras amargas.
Sus edificios nos vuelven solitarios,
sus cementerios están llenos de suicidas
que no dejan ni una carta.
Por eso el río pasa y no vuelve,
por eso el árbol que crece a sus orillas
elige siempre la madera más leve
y termina de barco.
Mural escrito por el viento - Eugenio Montejo
Sacado de Trópico absoluto, 1982
Attendez-moi, Attendez-moi, Attendez-moi
On s'était dit rendez-vous dans 10 ans
Même jour, même heure, même pommes
On verra quand on aura 30 ans
Sur les marches de la place des grands hommes
Le jour est venu et moi aussi
Mais j' veux pas être le premier
Si on avait plus rien à se dire et si et si
Je fais des détours dans le quartier
Même jour, même heure, même pommes
On verra quand on aura 30 ans
Sur les marches de la place des grands hommes
Le jour est venu et moi aussi
Mais j' veux pas être le premier
Si on avait plus rien à se dire et si et si
Je fais des détours dans le quartier
C'est fou ce qu'un crépuscule de printemps
Rappelle le même crépuscule qu'il y a 10 ans
Trottoirs usés par les regards baissés
Qu'est-ce que j'ai fais de ces années ?
J'ai pas flotté tranquille sur l'eau
Je n'ai pas nagé le vent dans le dos
Dernière ligne droite, la rue Soufflot
Combien seront là : 4, 3, 2, 1... 0 ?
On s'était dit rendez-vous dans 10 ans
Même jour, même heure, même pommes
On verra quand on aura 30 ans
Sur les marches de la place des grands hommes
J'avais eu si souvent envie d'elle
La belle Séverine me regardera-t-elle ?
Eric voulait explorer le subconscient
Remonte-t-il à la surface de temps en temps ?
J'ai un peu peur de traverser l' miroir
Si j'y allais pas... J' me serais trompé d'un soir
Devant une vitrine d'antiquités
J'imagine les retrouvailles de l'amitié
T'as pas changé, qu'est-ce que tu deviens ?
Tu t'es marié, t'as trois gamins
T'as réussi, tu fais médecin ?
Et toi Pascale, tu t' marres toujours pour rien ?
On s'était dit rendez-vous dans 10 ans
Même jour, même heure, même pommes
On verra quand on aura 30 ans
Sur les marches de la place des grands hommes
J'ai connu des marées hautes et des marées basses
Comme vous, comme vous, comme vous
J'ai rencontré des tempêtes et des bourrasques
Comme vous, comme vous, comme vous
Chaque amour morte à une nouvelle a fait place
Et vous, et vous et vous ?
Et toi Marco qui ambitionnait simplement d'être heureux dans la vie
As-tu réussi ton pari ?
Et toi François, et toi Laurence et toi Marion
Et toi Gégé... et toi Bruno et toi Evelyne ?
Et bien c'est formidable les copains
On s'est tout dit, on s' sert la main
On ne peut pas mettre 10 ans sur table
Comme on étale ses lettres au Scrabble
Dans la vitrine je vois le reflet
D'une lycéenne derrière moi
Elle part à gauche, je la suivrai
Si c'est à droite... Attendez-moi
Attendez-moi, Attendez-moi, Attendez-moi
On s'était dit rendez-vous dans 10 ans
Même jour, même heure, même pommes
On verra quand on aura 30 ans
Si on est d'venus des grands hommes
Des grands hommes, des grands hommes
Tiens si on s' donnait rendez-vous dans 10 ans
Même jour, même heure, même pommes
On verra quand on aura 30 ans
Si on est d'venus des grands hommes
Des grands hommes, des grands hommes
Tiens si on s' donnait rendez-vous dans 10 ans
· Place des grands hommes · Patrick Bruel
el reino del conocimiento insuperable
"La compasión infinita del bodhisattva"
Un Bodhisattva resuelve: Tomo sobre mí el peso de todo sufrimiento. Estoy resuelto a hacerlo así. Lo soportaré. No me volveré, ni me echaré atrás, ni temblaré, ni me asustaré, ni temeré, ni volveré la espalda, ni desistiré.
¿Y por qué? A cualquier precio habré de llevar las cargas de todos los seres. Con ello no sigo mis propias inclinaciones. He hecho el voto de salvar a todos los seres. He de liberar a todos los seres. He de redimir a todo el mundo de los seres vivos de los terrores del nacer, el envejecer, el enfermar, de la muerte y el renacimiento, de todas las formas de la culpa moral, de todos los estados desgraciados, de todo el ciclo del nacer y el morir, de la maraña de las opiniones falsas, de la pérdida de los dharmas benéficos, de las secuelas de la ignorancia. De todos estos terrores he de redimir a todos los seres... Me comportaré de tal modo que se edifique para todos los seres el reino del conocimiento insuperable. Mis esfuerzos no se encaminan meramente a mi propia liberación. Porque con la ayuda de la barca del pleno conocimiento salvaré a estos seres de la corriente de Samsara, tan difícil de cruzar, los apartaré del gran precipicio, los liberaré de toda calamidad, los llevaré a través de la corriente de Samsara. Lucharé con la masa de los dolores de todos los seres. Hasta los límites de capacidad de sufrimiento experimentaré todas las situaciones calamitosas que puedan darse en cualquier sistema cósmico, todas las moradas del dolor. Y no negaré a ninguno de los seres mi reserva de méritos, pues tengo resuelto vivir cada uno de los estados calamitosos por innumerables eones. De este modo ayudaré a todos los seres a liberarse, en todos los estados calamitosos que puedan darse en todos los sistemas cósmicos.
¿Y por qué? Porque ciertamente vale más que sufra yo solo y no que todos estos seres caigan en situaciones calamitosas. Por eso tengo que entregarme como prenda de redención para todo el mundo, para que sea redimido de los terrores de los infiernos, del nacimiento como animales, del mundo de Yama, y con mi propio cuerpo tengo que experimentar, para bien de todos los seres, la masa toda de los sentimientos penosos. Para bien y para seguridad de todos los seres lo hago, y hablo con sinceridad y con verdad, y no me vuelvo atrás de mi palabra. No abandonaré a todos los seres.
¿Y por qué? Porque en mí ha brotado la decisión de alcanzar todo conocimiento, con todos los seres como su objeto, es decir, para liberar a todo el mundo de los seres. Y no me propongo alcanzar la iluminación suprema por deseo de gozar sus delicias, ni porque espere gustar las calidades de los cinco sentidos, ni porque desee entregarme a los placeres de los sentidos. No emprendo el camino de un Bodhisattva a fin de lograr el cúmulo de delicias que puede hallarse en los diversos mundos del deseo sensual.
¿Y por qué? Porque no hay placer en todos los placeres del mundo. Porque entregarse a los placeres de los sentidos es cosa que entra en la esfera de Mara.
Shikshasamuccaya, 280-282 [Vajradhvaha-sutra]. Ext. de E. Conze, "Buddhist Texts through the Ages" (Oxford, 1954).
now we're moving from the darkness into the light, this is the defining moment of our lives
This is a song for every girl who's
Ever been through something she thought she couldn't make it through
I sing these words because
I was that girl too
Wanting something better than this
But who do I turn to?
Now we're moving from the darkness into the light
This is the defining moment of our lives
'Cause you're beautiful like a flower
More valuable than a diamond
You are powerful like a fire
You will heal the world with your mind
There is nothing in the world that you cannot do
When you believe in you, who are beautiful
Yeah, you, who are brilliant
Yeah, you, who are powerful
Yeah, you, who are resilient
This is a song for every girl who
Who's ever been through something she thought she couldn't make it through
Girl, you can make it through!
I'm passing these words because, I know you're the one who
Knows there's something better than this
And you're gonna define it, yeah
Now we're moving from the darkness into the light
This is the defining moment of our lives
'Cause you're beautiful like a flower
More valuable than a diamond
You are powerful like a fire
You will heal the world with your mind
There is nothing in the world that you cannot do
When you believe in you, who are beautiful
Yeah, you, who are brilliant
Yeah, you, who are powerful
Yeah, you, who are resilient
Yeah, you, who are beautiful
Yeah, you, who are brilliant
Yeah, you, who are powerful
Yeah, you, who are resilient
Yeah, you
Hey! Yeah, you
Yeah, you, yeah you
Yeah, you, yeah you
Yeah, you, yeah, you
Yeah, you, yeah you
Yeah, you, yeah you
Yeah, you, yeah, you
· Beautiful flower · India.Arie
bridge across tomorrow
This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.
I imagine if it were possible to collapse a rainbow, all the colors and centripetal force of that energy would be the swirl that encompasses a very radiant now. And although I have never been a trapeze artist, I imagine, as well, that I know exactly what it feels like to be suspended so high above the ground, the known reality so far beneath you, the fierce trust and faith you must have in your own ability to remain balanced as you walk a golden thread from one secure base to another. In other words, wow! We’re really doing this. We are straddling dimensions, becoming as comfortable as we can with so much that is unfamiliar, unsettling to the ego and taxing to the physical. All the while, feeling the pull, yearning and remembrance of our own Soul as it rejoins the energy of home, 5D World emerging in the upward spiral of our journey here. A reunion with Self is manifesting and we just need to trust the unknown mystery, trust Gaia, trust love to continue to light the way.
Everything is here now, all present, in each moment, and depending upon where you focus your thought and attention, your current reality will either be fed from the loop of conditioned consciousness and what has always been, or from the higher frequencies that just exude inspiration. There is energy present to connect the dots of your whole existence, truly, past, present and future. As we continue, and we must continue for we’ve ventured too far out into the mystery to turn back now, as we continue to re-member with ourselves, align our 3D identity more and more with our Soul, we will align more and more authentically with our family of light, coming together in force, not out of need or agenda but out of a genuine love and honor and appreciation of one another. It is time. As transparency continues to ground into a new age of beingness within our world, we are seeing each other and life as it is, uncloaked, unmasked…. out of shadow and into new power and elucidating light!
I had an experience this last week at the ancient site. We were turbo blasted once again with a power pocket of a new moon, solar eclipse and mercury turning direct all on one day. I see these alignments and portals as just so much love, cooperation of the highest order from the natural forces and elements of Creation stepping up on our behalf … so that we too, can continue to step up, let go, know and be more. I was called to the ancient site in the Shining Ones woods to help my physical body integrate and assimilate this great power surge. There is a pyramid portal on the site, one of three, that sits at the base of the feminine face of the entire community. This portal is two-sided, with a masculine and feminine entryway. The pyramid of three giant slabs of rock is held up by a central white pillar, speckled with silver shimmers and shaped like a madonna. I have spent time in the portal, just absorbing the energies into my body’s composition, yet prior to this visit I have not been able to crawl through the gateway. I have tried several times, but something… the energies? my own higher Self? it is like there was an invisible force field that prevented me from going through. But on this day with the support of these higher energies that are only and of such love, pushing us forward, higher, freer…. I was able to crawl through and out the other side.
And what this reflects so clearly about where we are now, as opposed to just last week much less the entirety of our history, is that, we have access now to places we could not access before – our bodies are adjusting, our minds attuned to new information and we can, by love, now venture into territory we have never journeyed before. This is the potential now available for each. New doors are opening everyday, special earth grids are activating at this time to allow us greater access to ancient information and future awarenesses. And these earth grids are about Re-union… across and within all dimensions. All of existence is a vast web of energy with endless dazzling directions and events and connections of dimensions to explore. And what I am observing increasingly so is that all intersections of your life and my life and greater existence seems to be folding into this now – EVERYTHING available. The future potential is meeting the past awarenesses with unlimited potential in this moment. Greater forces are available now to help us, to assure we “get it” right this time out. This is the lifetime of personal evolution – from the inside out, Creation through us, into new Existence. Any moment that feels dense to you, unmoving or unsure… CREATE. Create, create, create. Creativity is the golden ticket, interdimensional access. When you create, you are IN love, attuned to an entirely different flow of attunement and centering. It is time to be action oriented, putting your time and energy on what brings you joy, taking the mind away from things of lesser importance.
The way we experience this transition is up to us, to you! You don’t change the world you’re in, you change your frequency, so that you can move into alignment with and see the world of greater potential… and that it is all love. There are infinite parallel realities and frequency shifts happening simultaneously and where you put your focus is the future you will experience. The new human is a new frequency of being, it is the work of activating DNA codes within, through intention, sound, light, frequency, water, diet, awareness, cooperation and uncompromising attunement with nature. When you change, everything around you changes. Align yourselves, your reality, your choices and actions and heart with the consciousness of 5D World; joy, peace, harmony, compassion, forgiveness, abundance and creativity. Surround yourselves with others of reach, who aspire to greater love, greater service and positive attitudes about the future. All persons will remain in the reality that is appropriate to their frequency and belief. There is no right or wrong or judgement, just choice, and it is all is love.
The theme of this week’s notes express thoughts still very much in the energy of a brand new year of a brand new decade. Bridge Across Tomorrow is actually the final chapter of The New Human, the photo here is on the back cover of the book. Now, if you have been following my notes at all, you are aware that the photos carry an energy that reflects the expression, that in turn, reflects the greater energetic present in this grand Process engendered within us all. This final chapter of a new story for this humanity reflects a point of egress for our species, the bridge a reference to interdimensional unity with our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters. Expanding the circumference of our reach beyond the veils of separation is a necessary piece of embracing a greater family of light, as we complete a transition to a new and greater technology of being. I feel the bridge energy so potent in my everyday reality and observation at this time. It is very much like the ascension version of a life review, a near death experience just before being given another chance, new life, with the awareness of one who has gone through. We’ve lifted above the insanity enough to know we can opt out of it. We see where we have been, the consequences of 3D consciousness and the futility of that game. And here we are, with new awareness and greater love now seeping into the space of fear. We are learning to trust ourselves now, to live from the inside out and embrace love as the new center for a humanity, ready to Self Actualize. Our hearts are opening each day, through events great and small, as balance is restored to the earth. Stay in your forward movement, out of the mind, and old habits and conditioning… eyes straight ahead. We are the more on the other side of the bridge that calls us. We’ve waited lifetimes for this moment and have immeasurable support in many realms to land safely on the other side, new life in a very new world.
DeAnne Hampton © 2010 - found as a note on facebook
I imagine if it were possible to collapse a rainbow, all the colors and centripetal force of that energy would be the swirl that encompasses a very radiant now. And although I have never been a trapeze artist, I imagine, as well, that I know exactly what it feels like to be suspended so high above the ground, the known reality so far beneath you, the fierce trust and faith you must have in your own ability to remain balanced as you walk a golden thread from one secure base to another. In other words, wow! We’re really doing this. We are straddling dimensions, becoming as comfortable as we can with so much that is unfamiliar, unsettling to the ego and taxing to the physical. All the while, feeling the pull, yearning and remembrance of our own Soul as it rejoins the energy of home, 5D World emerging in the upward spiral of our journey here. A reunion with Self is manifesting and we just need to trust the unknown mystery, trust Gaia, trust love to continue to light the way.
Everything is here now, all present, in each moment, and depending upon where you focus your thought and attention, your current reality will either be fed from the loop of conditioned consciousness and what has always been, or from the higher frequencies that just exude inspiration. There is energy present to connect the dots of your whole existence, truly, past, present and future. As we continue, and we must continue for we’ve ventured too far out into the mystery to turn back now, as we continue to re-member with ourselves, align our 3D identity more and more with our Soul, we will align more and more authentically with our family of light, coming together in force, not out of need or agenda but out of a genuine love and honor and appreciation of one another. It is time. As transparency continues to ground into a new age of beingness within our world, we are seeing each other and life as it is, uncloaked, unmasked…. out of shadow and into new power and elucidating light!
I had an experience this last week at the ancient site. We were turbo blasted once again with a power pocket of a new moon, solar eclipse and mercury turning direct all on one day. I see these alignments and portals as just so much love, cooperation of the highest order from the natural forces and elements of Creation stepping up on our behalf … so that we too, can continue to step up, let go, know and be more. I was called to the ancient site in the Shining Ones woods to help my physical body integrate and assimilate this great power surge. There is a pyramid portal on the site, one of three, that sits at the base of the feminine face of the entire community. This portal is two-sided, with a masculine and feminine entryway. The pyramid of three giant slabs of rock is held up by a central white pillar, speckled with silver shimmers and shaped like a madonna. I have spent time in the portal, just absorbing the energies into my body’s composition, yet prior to this visit I have not been able to crawl through the gateway. I have tried several times, but something… the energies? my own higher Self? it is like there was an invisible force field that prevented me from going through. But on this day with the support of these higher energies that are only and of such love, pushing us forward, higher, freer…. I was able to crawl through and out the other side.
And what this reflects so clearly about where we are now, as opposed to just last week much less the entirety of our history, is that, we have access now to places we could not access before – our bodies are adjusting, our minds attuned to new information and we can, by love, now venture into territory we have never journeyed before. This is the potential now available for each. New doors are opening everyday, special earth grids are activating at this time to allow us greater access to ancient information and future awarenesses. And these earth grids are about Re-union… across and within all dimensions. All of existence is a vast web of energy with endless dazzling directions and events and connections of dimensions to explore. And what I am observing increasingly so is that all intersections of your life and my life and greater existence seems to be folding into this now – EVERYTHING available. The future potential is meeting the past awarenesses with unlimited potential in this moment. Greater forces are available now to help us, to assure we “get it” right this time out. This is the lifetime of personal evolution – from the inside out, Creation through us, into new Existence. Any moment that feels dense to you, unmoving or unsure… CREATE. Create, create, create. Creativity is the golden ticket, interdimensional access. When you create, you are IN love, attuned to an entirely different flow of attunement and centering. It is time to be action oriented, putting your time and energy on what brings you joy, taking the mind away from things of lesser importance.
The way we experience this transition is up to us, to you! You don’t change the world you’re in, you change your frequency, so that you can move into alignment with and see the world of greater potential… and that it is all love. There are infinite parallel realities and frequency shifts happening simultaneously and where you put your focus is the future you will experience. The new human is a new frequency of being, it is the work of activating DNA codes within, through intention, sound, light, frequency, water, diet, awareness, cooperation and uncompromising attunement with nature. When you change, everything around you changes. Align yourselves, your reality, your choices and actions and heart with the consciousness of 5D World; joy, peace, harmony, compassion, forgiveness, abundance and creativity. Surround yourselves with others of reach, who aspire to greater love, greater service and positive attitudes about the future. All persons will remain in the reality that is appropriate to their frequency and belief. There is no right or wrong or judgement, just choice, and it is all is love.
The theme of this week’s notes express thoughts still very much in the energy of a brand new year of a brand new decade. Bridge Across Tomorrow is actually the final chapter of The New Human, the photo here is on the back cover of the book. Now, if you have been following my notes at all, you are aware that the photos carry an energy that reflects the expression, that in turn, reflects the greater energetic present in this grand Process engendered within us all. This final chapter of a new story for this humanity reflects a point of egress for our species, the bridge a reference to interdimensional unity with our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters. Expanding the circumference of our reach beyond the veils of separation is a necessary piece of embracing a greater family of light, as we complete a transition to a new and greater technology of being. I feel the bridge energy so potent in my everyday reality and observation at this time. It is very much like the ascension version of a life review, a near death experience just before being given another chance, new life, with the awareness of one who has gone through. We’ve lifted above the insanity enough to know we can opt out of it. We see where we have been, the consequences of 3D consciousness and the futility of that game. And here we are, with new awareness and greater love now seeping into the space of fear. We are learning to trust ourselves now, to live from the inside out and embrace love as the new center for a humanity, ready to Self Actualize. Our hearts are opening each day, through events great and small, as balance is restored to the earth. Stay in your forward movement, out of the mind, and old habits and conditioning… eyes straight ahead. We are the more on the other side of the bridge that calls us. We’ve waited lifetimes for this moment and have immeasurable support in many realms to land safely on the other side, new life in a very new world.
DeAnne Hampton © 2010 - found as a note on facebook
You’re the bright light, the constant moon beam
Well I broke, I wrote a song
About our love, and how its strong
How your kisses keep me warm.
And even when I make you cry,
I’ll still sing you lullabies.
Make those grey clouds bright blue skies.
Because you’re, the cocaine in my veins.
This is something I regret
Not confessing how I felt,
How my heart beats quicker still.
So melt your body into mine,
Become as one over time,
Lord shake her bones and make her mine.
Because you’re, the cocaine in my veins.
And darlin the dirt beneath your feet,
And the scars that line your knees,
Are what keep me moving on, are what keep me moving on.
When broken down out on the streets,
And not a sign that I can see
You’re the compass that I need.
You’re the cocaine inside my blood stream
You’re the bright light, the constant moon beam
You’re the north wind that will carry me home.
You’re the woman I’ve been looking for
Because you’re the cocaine in my veins
· You're the cocaine · Joshua James
Shall we call this a lesson learned? Shall we call this a lesson learned?
Well the truth it fell so heavy
Like a hammer through the room
That I could choose another over her
You always said I was an actor, baby
Guess in truth you thought me just amateur
That you never saw the signs
That you never lost your grip
Oh, come on now
That's such a childish claim
Now I wear the brand of traitor
Don't it seem a bit absurd
When it's clear I was so obviously framed
When it's clear I was so obviously framed
Now you act so surprised
To hear what you already know
And all you really had to do was ask
I'd have told you straight away
All those lies were truth
And all that was false was fact
Now you hold me close and hard
But I was like a statue at most
Refusing to acknowledge you'd been hurt
Now you're clawing at my throat
And you're crying all is lost
But your tears they felt so hot upon my shirt
Your tears they felt so hot upon my shirt
Well the truth it fell so heavy
Like a hammer through the room
That I could choose another over her
You always said I was an actor, baby
Guess in truth you thought me just amateur
Was it you who told me once
Now looking back it seems surreal
That all our mistakes are merely grist for the mill
So why is it now after I had my fill
would you steal from me the sorrow that I've earned
Shall we call this a lesson learned?
Shall we call this a lesson learned?
· Lesson learned · Ray Lamontagne
and when I held you I felt so fine, it was like there was nothing left on my mind
Oh, when you call me weird names and make all kinds of weird faces
when you drive me along to all the stupidest places
you know it's not fair, but you know what you do
you know how bad I like to be with you
...And then you're like, "David, it's like one, two, three"
as you're climbing barefoot on the apple tree
it is as sweet as me, and as good as new
and you know how bad I like to be with you
when you drive me along to all the stupidest places
you know it's not fair, but you know what you do
you know how bad I like to be with you
...And then you're like, "David, it's like one, two, three"
as you're climbing barefoot on the apple tree
it is as sweet as me, and as good as new
and you know how bad I like to be with you
It's like the better path, and it's a better way
if we never part, and if we never stray
if we know we have each other to hang on to
and if you know how bad I like to be with you
Well you should try to go to some place, honey,
where the weather is hot, and the music is funny
you should try down south, by the magic Bayou
you will know how bad I like to be with you
Well you know better than me on all kinds of topics
like what fruit is native and what fruit is exotic,
you know the right names for flowers and for animals, too
I hope you know how bad I like to be with you
do do do, do, do, do do do, do
do, do, do do do, do
do, do do do do do
Well, you play the trumpet and I play drums
and you smoke cigarettes and I chew gum,
you say we're different and I believe it's true
and you know how bad I like to be with you
It's not even an option,
it's not a matter of choice
I could say it with words
and I could say it with my voice
I could sing it in a song or play it on a kazoo
and you would know how bad I like to be with you
You say you dye your hair black since you were seventeen
and you say it goes well with your eyes so green
well, I'm losing my hair and my eyes are blue,
and you know how bad I like to be with you
And if you think you're puzzled,
and if you don't understand me
well you can play me as easy as a DVD,
it's like solving a case with a single clue
to know how bad I like to be with you
You know I'll always like you no matter what
and if you get a little chubby,
and if you're a little too fat
if you worship Jesus when I am a Jew
then you will know how bad I like to be with you
...And you know how people shorten other people's names
to show their affection
like if you called me Ray, if my name was Raymond
well your name ain't Susan but I would call you Sue
to show you how bad I like to be with you
do do do, do, do, do do do, do
do, do, do do do, do
do, do, do do do, do
do, do do do
· 1, 2, 3, Apple tree · Herman Düne
I had to leave you and go away
but I think about you every day
in the morning and in the afternoon
I wish that I could see you soon
and when I held you I felt so fine
it was like there was
nothing left on my mind
it was like Rockaway Beach in the month of June, you know
I wish that I could see you soon
I have no plans to meet you babe,
I had a million things to do babe,
But it hit my heart with a harpoon,
I wish that I could see you soon
-- The angels go
How long 'til you can see her?
And I'm like, well
- the sooner the better
do you really think she'll wait for you?
And I'm like,
there's no way to say and there's nothing I can do
Well, there's no way to say and there's nothing I can do
Now that I'm across the sea I wonder if
you're gonna wait for me
or if you're gonna find
a new boy to spoon
I wish that I could see you soon
And if you
wait a little my pretty friend
until I come back to hold your hand
would be like birds when they break through the cocoon
And you know, well
I wish that I could see you soon
It has been a while
since I felt like this
and now I've found someone I really miss, you know
under the sun
and under the moon
Well, I wish that I could see you soon
-- And the angels go!
How long 'til you can see her
And I'm like - the sooner the better
do you really think she's gonna wait for you?
And I'm like,
Well, there's no way to say and there's nothing I can do
Oh, there's no way to say and there's nothing I can do
Oh, there's no way to say and there's nothing I can do
Oh, there's no way to say and there's nothing I can do
· I wish that I could see you soon · Herman Düne
[La Blogothèque · Un concert à emporter]
Saca ese monky townky funky, sabes que eres único
Delafé y Las Flores Azules | Espiritu Santo | A 'BlackXs Live Sound' Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.
Subiendo y bajando las mismas escaleras
Saltando boca abajo, sonando en tu cabeza
Día a día, cada día, pasear y soñar
que caigan estrellas para confirmar
que vuelvas a volver a mi vida
que vuelvas a bailármela
que la verdad no estoy nada mal
respondo a los vecinos a la cara y a la esa...
¿qué tal como va?
Hablemos de fútbol mejor
que Iniesta se merece
El oro de balón
Que si no se lo dan, me corto una mano
O mejor me corto las dos, por dios
Cuánta ficción , suerte que te veo
Suerte que te acercas
Suerte que te beso
Sentí que algo que estaba apagado se encendía
Y fue entonces cuando realmente empezó el día
Y sonaron las trompetas de la muerte y la gente se puso a bailar,
Se puso caliente
Y se puso a jugar y con la lengua entre los dientes
bien juntitos como dos gemelitos en el vientre
Y yo me puse contento, como loco de alegría
porque en lugar de Barcelona
La Habana esto parecía, esto parecía
Porque bailando hasta el espíritu santo se pone blando (x4)
Uno, dos, tres
Esto es danza libre
Cardio-sensorial un movimiento enérgico variablemente rítmico
Esto es la guerra y para ganar
Tendrás que liberarte del sentido del ridículo
No seas tan crítico, mátalo ya
Saca ese monky townky funky, sabes que eres único
Imitando la jugada deja claro es evidente
Consistentemente fuerte que tan blanca es tu colada
Así que acércate a la maquina, mírale a los ojos
Y comprenderás que si hace (ttt-ttt) que siente miedo
Que le da pánico porque en el fondo es de fogueo
Así que gira, escúrrete, da media vuelta, inspira
Sedúcete, sé que lo intentas, olvida,
explora, cómo lo sientes?
Esos tobillos se han vuelto de goma
Gira, escúrrete, da media vuelta, inspira
Sedúcete, sé que lo intentas, olvida,
explora, cómo lo sientes?
Esas rodillas se han vuelto de goma
Pues gira, escúrrete, da media vuelta, inspira
Sedúcete, sé que lo intentas, olvida,
explora, cómo lo sientes?
Esas caderas se han vuelto de goma
Porque bailando hasta el espíritu santo se pone blando ….
· Espíritu santo · Delafé y las flores azules
anytime, anywhere, you're my playground love
I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavour
Love is all, all my soul
You're my playground love
Yet my hands are shaking
I feel my body remains, time's no matter, I'm on fire
On the playground, love.
You're the piece of gold that flashes on my soul.
Extra time, on the ground.
You're my playground love.
Anytime, anywhere,
You're my playground love.
· Playground love · Air
You're very magical, you know
You're very pretty, you know
You're very rare, you know
I'm very clumsy, you heard
But i'm a special kind of bird
You're lovely
Yes you are
You're very different, you know
You're very magical, you know
You'd melt me if I was snow
My heart, I'd have baby to sew
To sew
If your body is the sky
Then your freckles are the constellations
Your Mother loves you, you know
She loves you more than the moon
Your seperation won't be for long
But it will be coming for you, far too soon
She loves you, yes she does
She loves you, yes she does
Hell, I'm in love with you
And it's true
My branches they turn to you
Asking you, do you love me too?
· Constellations · Alessi's Ark
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day / The sun is up, the sky is blue It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence open up your eyes
Dear Prudence see the sunny skies
The wind is low the birds will sing
That you are part of everything
Dear Prudence won't you open up your eyes?
Look around round round
Look around round round
Oh look around
Dear Prudence let me see you smile
Dear Prudence like a little child
The clouds will be a daisy chain
So let me see you smile again
Dear Prudence won't you let me see you smile?
Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence open up your eyes
Dear Prudence see the sunny skies
The wind is low the birds will sing
That you are part of everything
Dear Prudence won't you open up your eyes?
Look around round round
Look around round round
Oh look around
Dear Prudence let me see you smile
Dear Prudence like a little child
The clouds will be a daisy chain
So let me see you smile again
Dear Prudence won't you let me see you smile?
Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence won't you come out to play
· Dear Prudence · The Beatles
here's to all you crazy dreamers [...] here's to all you crazy lovers
Here's to all you crazy dreamers
Dream your crazy dreams
Don't let them go
Deep inside your heart I'm sure you know
Deep inside your heart I'm sure you know
Here's to all you crazy lovers
Love the one's you love
And serve them well
Give yourself some time and time to tell
For he to love another got to love himself
La, la la, etc.
Here's to all you crazy dreamers
Dream your crazy dreams
Don't let them slip away
There's more to life than living day to day
There's more to life than living day to day
Here's to all you crazy lovers
Love the one's you love
Don't let them go
Deep inside your soul that love will grow
And deep inside your soul that love will grow
La, la, la, etc.
· Crazy dreamers · Ray Lamontagne
Don't lose your faith in me and I will try not to lose faith in you
Don't let your mind get weary and confused
Your will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart get heavy child
Inside you there's a strength that lies
Don't let your soul get lonely child
It's only time, it will go by
Don't look for love in faces, places
It's in you, that's where you'll find kindness
Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now
Don't lose your faith in me
And I will try not to lose faith in you
Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall
Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now
· Be here now · Ray Lamontagne
It's a lu uh uh uh ove
It's a bright
It's a light
It's a so outta sight
It's a feeling all right, morning noon or night
It's the best thing in life that you don't have to buy
It's a funny funny feeling down in your heart
It's a neat
It's a treat
It's a something that's sweet
It's the one thing in life that will never be beat
It's a once it's inside you it loses the key
That's that funny funny feeling down in your heart
It's a lu uh uh uh ove
It's a lu uh uh uh ove
It's a lu uh uh uh ove
It's the funny funny feeling down in your heart
Let it in
To your heart and you'll feel this funny feeling
Let it in
And together we'll join in harmour love
Let it in
For the beat of your heart will keep the rhythm
Let it smile
On the outside and sing in harmour love
'Aaw, Joe!'
It's a pin
It's a friend
It's a how have you been
It's a "I'm looking forward to seeing you again"
It's a laugh
It's a grin
It's a let it begin
With that funny funny feeling down in your heart
It's a walk through the park
It's a kiss in the dark
It's a vow made by two that they never will part
It's the spark that you feel from the moment it starts
Known as that funny funny feeling down in your heart
It's a lu uh uh uh ove
lu uh uh uh ove (harmony)
It's a lu uh uh uh ove
It's a lu uh uh uh ove
It's that funny funny feeling down in your heart
Let it in
To your heart and you'll feel this funny feeling
Let it in
And together we'll join in harmour love
Let it in
For the beat of your heart will be the rythmn
Let it smile
On the outside and sing in harmour love
Let it in
Into your heart and you'll feel this funny feeling
Let it in
Then together we'll join in harmour love
Let it in
For the beat of your heart will be the rythmn
Let it smile
On the outside and sing in harmour love
Let it in
Into your heart and you'll feel this funny feeling
Let it in
Then together we'll join in harmour love
· Harmour love · Syreeta Wright
I'll rather struggle with film
"For me they're all a big struggle [films] but the fact that they're a struggle helps me... I'll rather struggle with film than struggle with other things."
Woody Allen
Cuando otros seres que sólo son olvido a través de nosotros se reencuentran
¿Quién ha vivido esto
y quién no lo ha vivido?
Gunnar Ekelöf
Mi amor que llega en este tiempo ya sin tiempo,
mi bella sin porqué, con un por quién,
que sólo sabe de sí misma lo que ama,
apenas eso - y nunca demasiado.
Mi amor veloz más que la tierra,
veloz más que sus giros y sus vueltas,
viajando a bordo de un país celeste,
sin saber hacia dónde, por qué hoy,
por qué unos ojos y no otros,
esta sonrisa y no su sombra,
sin saber por qué ya, por qué aquí mismo,
delante de un milenio que amanece...
Mi amor, mi bella, que va y vuelve
iluminada por relámpagos nómadas,
ella y sus pétalos fugaces,
ella y su grito inalcanzable,
el grito más azul de mi deseo.
Siempe con el asombro de estar viva,
el asombro raigal de estar aquí,
dando vueltas y vueltas al mismo sol arcaico
sin porqué ni hasta cuándo,
pero con un porqué de pronto que estremece,
cuando en su voz se oye mi nombre
y de otro mundo veo venir sus ojos
que henchidos de milagro me suspenden
para que todo gire y nos eleve,
así dentro, así fuera,
en nuestra sangre errante y en las nubes sin patria.
Mi amor, mi bella con el sueño de sus voces
y súbitos silencios,
habituada a la tierra, a su vuelo, a sus giros,
dibujando su ritmo a cada nuevo paso,
a cada sístole y diástole,
hasta sentirla hablar por nuestras bocas
cuando del fondo nos buscan sus palabras.
Porque la tierra también, para juntarnos,
se valió de su cuerpo y de mi cuerpo,
y no ayer ni después ni en otra hora,
sino en este preciso subitáneo,
cuando otros seres que sólo son olvido
a través de nosotros se reencuentran...
Mi amor que vuelve de nadie sabe dónde,
con su antigua canción que se oye por el tacto,
canción de besos, luna, ardor, cabellos,
senos enajenados que hablan solos,
muslos que van o vienen de valses instantáneos,
piel con la espuma de un mar que es mi naufragio.
Mi amor que nombra este vocablo etrusco,
el ignoto vocablo de vocales desnudas,
cuando es la hora del deseo con su sol negro,
la hora en que los cuerpos anudan sus raíces,
y las venas a solas se entretejen.
Aquí está la guitarra que suena en la penumbra
y el tímbrico deseo de percusiones cósmicas
y los acordes y saltos de la gracia,
aunque los sones provengan de sus ojos
y en su cuerpo se palpen, se compendien,
cuando en su carne crece la llama musicante.
Este es el sueño que la busca a medianoche,
y la otra cara de la luna nunca vista
con su rostro grabado por el hacha.
Aún estamos aquí, pero aquí ya no estamos
y siempre por eso aquí estaremos...
Este es el tiempo sin tiempo que nos une
y nuestro empeño de descifrar a ciegas
las mismas viejas sílabas etruscas
a través de la carne, el sueño, los sollozos,
aunque su enigma aceche a cada nuevo instante.
Canción de amor de Jorge Silvestre (fragmento) - Eugenio Montejo
Sacado de Papiros amorosos
Give it up I can't give it up
After all the time
After you
Had you seen me with someone new
Hanging so high for your return
But the stillness is a burn
Had I seen it in your eyes
There'd have been no try after try
Your leaving had no goodbye
Had I just seen one in your eyes
I can't give it up
To someone else's touch
Because I care too much
I can't give it up
To someone else's touch
Because I care too much
Could you tell
I was left lost and lonely
Could you tell
Things ain't worked out my way
Wish the best for you
Wish the best for me
Wished for infinity
If that ain't me
Then give it up
I can't give it up
Give it up
I can't give it up
I can't give it up
To someone else's touch
Because I care too much
I can't give it up
To someone else's touch
Because I care too much
Give it up
I can't give it up
· Infinity · The XX
Sooner or later in life, the things you love you loose but you got the love I need to see me through
Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"
But you've got the love I need to see me through
Sometimes it seems that the going is just too rough
And things go wrong no matter what I do
Now and then it seems that life is just too much
But you've got the love I need to see me through
When food is gone you are my daily meal
When friends are gone I know my savior's love is real
You know it's real
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
Time after time I think "Oh Lord what's the use?"
Time after time I think it's just no good
Sooner or later in life, the things you love you loose
But you got the love I need to see me through
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"
But you've got the love I need to see me through
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
· You've got the love · Florence + The Machine
And we, we live half at night
You, you used to have all the answers
And you, you still have them too
And we, we live half in the day time
And we, we live half at night
Watch things on VCR's, with me and talk about big love
I think we're superstars, you say you think we are the best thing
But you, you just know, you just do
When I find myself by the sea, in another's company by the sea
When I go out the pier, gonna die and have no fear
Because you, you just know, you just do
Watch things on VCR's, with me and talk about big love
I think we're superstars, you say you think we are the best thing
But you, you just know, you just do
· VCR · The XX
Era el sol con su esplendor el que daba calor
a nuestro amor
la belleza del mar parecía ser mayor
bajo ese sol
Recuerdo cuando al pasear por la playa junto a ti
eras feliz
una caracol tú recogiste para oir
el rumor del mar
Soy un te quiero
porque eres fiel toda la vida
más el amor no es constante como tú
por qué
Siempre hambriento estabas tú
yo te daba lo mejor para comer
te enfadabas porque yo no comía como tú
nada pasó
Y nos echábamos los dos en la arena bajo el sol
para soñar
y los niños que al llegar nos unieran más
Soy un te quiero porque eres fiel toda la vida
más el amor no es constante como tú
por qué
En mi ventana el sol brilló
y su fuerte calor me despertó
mi soledad descubrió
vio que nuestro amor pasó
Cuántas playas me traerán tu recuerdo fugaz
en mi soñar
se esfunó nuestro hogar
y los niños nunca ya nos reunirán
Soy un te quiero porque eres fiel toda la vida
más el amor no es constante como tú
por qué
Soy un te quiero porque eres fiel toda la vida
más el amor no es constante como tú
por qué
· Sol · Françoise Hardy
vivir como hermanos
"Hemos aprendido a volar como los pájaros, a nadar como los peces pero no hemos aprendido el sencillo arte de vivir como hermanos."
Martin Lutter King
In your love my salvation lies
Well I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
Yes I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
With my brother standing by
With my brother standing by
I said Brother, you know you know
It's a long road we've been walking on
Brother you know it is you know it is
Such a long road we've been walking on
And I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
With my sister standing by
With my sister standing by
I said Sister, here is what I know now
Here is what I know now
Goes like this..
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, in your love, in your love
But you know I'm so weary
And you know
My hearts been broken
Sometimes, sometimes
My mind is too strong to carry on
Too strong to carry on
When I am alone
When I've thrown off the weight of this crazy stone
When I've lost all care for the things I own
That's when I miss you, that's when I miss you, that's when I miss you
You who are my home
You who are my home, now
And here is what I know now, brother
Here is what I know now, sister
Goes like this..
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, my salvation lies
In your love, in your love, in your love
Well I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
Yes I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
With my brother and my sister standing by
With my brother and my sister standing by
With my brother and my sister standing by
· Orange Sky · Alexi Murdoch
Soon I'll smile
Well I have been searching all of my days
All of my days
Many a road, you know
I've been walking on
All of my days
And I've been trying to find
What's been in my mind
As the days keep turning into night
Well I have been quietly standing in the shade
All of my days
Watch the sky breaking on the promise that we made
All of this rain
And I've been trying to find
What's been in my mind
As the days keep turning into night
Well many a night I found myself with no friends standing near
All of my days
I cried aloud
I shook my hands
What am I doing here
All of these days
For I look around me
And my eyes confound me
And it's just too bright
As the days keep turning into night
Now I see clearly
It's you I'm looking for
All of my days
Soon I'll smile
I know I'll feel this loneliness no more
All of my days
For I look around me
And it seems He found me
And it's coming into sight
As the days keep turning into night
As the days keep turning into night
And even breathing feels all right
Yes, even breathing feels all right
Now even breathing feels all right
It's even breathing
Feels all right
· All my days · Alexi Murdoch
[Away we go - Sam Mendes]
Oh oui, tu m'aimes
C'est vrai moi je suis une fille et tu es un garçon
Et c'est pour ça qu'on ne voit rien de la même façon
Oui, je sais que c'est vrai
Moi, je rêve toujours de me trouver seule avec toi
Et toi, tu veux tout conquérir, tout connaître à la fois
Pourtant tu m'aimes
Et je ne peux vivre sans toi
C'est vrai moi je suis une fille et tu es un garçon
Et toi et moi n'avons jamais les mêmes réactions
Oui, je sais que c'est vrai
Tu regardes une fille et tu la trouves très jolie
Pour que moi, déjà, je tremble, j'ai l'impression que tu m'oublies
Pourtant tu m'aimes
Et je ne peux vivre sans toi
C'est vrai moi je suis une fille et tu es un garçon
Et bien souvent j'ai du mal à me faire une raison
Mais, je sais que c'est vrai
Je passe tout mon temps à t'attendre et penser à toi
Pendant que tu travailles où sort avec d'autres que moi
Pourtant tu m'aimes
Et je ne peux vivre sans toi
Pourtant tu m'aimes
Et je ne peux vivre sans toi
Oh oui, tu m'aimes
Et je ne peux vivre sans toi
Pourtant tu m'aimes
Et je ne peux vivre sans toi.
· Pourtant tu m'aimes · Françoise Hardy
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